Mr Caspar Aylott

en London

B.Eng(Hons) MBChB MRCS FRCS(Tr Orth) DM

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Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Opiniones de los pacientes

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Comentario paciente

I visited Mr Aylott's 'One Stop' clinic in Cheltenham following a recommendation from a friend which was supported by others who knew of him. After a consultation and MRI scan I was given a clear diagnosis with options for treatment of the disc herniation which had been causing sciatic pain over an 11 year period. I had complete confidence in Mr Aylott's expertise in spine issues and appreciated his clear and sound explanations. I opted for surgery and Mr Aylott performed a microdiscectomy on me just 3 weeks later at the London Spine Unit, Harley Street. I was admitted at 8.15am and walked out of the hospital at 3.15pm the same day feeling amazingly well. Now six weeks on from my surgery I have no more sciatic or back pain and at 74 feel fit and mobile once again. I have several friends who have back issues and have naturally recommended him to them.

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Comentario paciente

Very knowledgeable consultant. Takes his time to explain everything carefully and to reach a clear diagnosis. Highly recommended.

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Comentario paciente

Highly recommend Casper Aylott. Very experienced Dr with unique background experience. Went above / beyond to ensure we landed on the best strategy then results. Supporting med sec team are amazing. They liaised with multiple stake holders with ease, speed and accuracy, saving so much time and cost.

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Comentario paciente

As a patient with lower back problems under Mr Aylott’s professional care, I cannot tell you how much praise I have for both him and his team. I cannot tell you how much praise I have for The UK Spine Centre, and Mr Aylott.

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


Otra información de interés de Caspar Aylott

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