Bacterial vaginosis: can it clear up alone?

Escrito por: Dr Nneka Nwokolo
Editado por: Laura Burgess

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection, but most women have never even heard of it! BV arises from an imbalance in the natural vaginal environment. We’ve asked one of our top sexual health physicians Dr Nneka Nwokolo to explain more, from the cause of BV to how the infection is treated.


What is BV or bacterial vaginosis?

Under normal circumstances the vagina is full of bacteria called lactobacilli, which keep it healthy and produce lactic acid, making it acidic.

However, if the vagina becomes alkaline for any reason, such as during a period or after sex, then the normal bacteria are suppressed. Other bacteria that usually present in small quantities and that are suppressed in an acid environment, may then overgrow. The overgrowth of some of these bacteria is what causes BV.

What are BV symptoms?

Many women may have BV with no symptoms at all and only find out when swabs are taken during a sexual health check-up.

When they do occur, the most common symptom is a vaginal discharge that typically has a fishy or unpleasant smell. Unlike thrush, BV doesn’t typically cause itching although some women notice some vaginal discomfort.

Women with BV often notice that symptoms are worse after sex or after a period because semen and blood are alkaline and an alkaline environment encourages the growth of BV organisms.

Is BV considered to be an STD?

No, BV isn’t considered to be a sexually transmitted infection, however, some women notice that they develop BV when they change sexual partners. The reasons for this aren’t completely clear, but it’s thought that sex with a new partner introduces new and unfamiliar bacteria into the vagina. This alters the natural ecosystem (microbiome), which results in the growth of BV organisms.

How can you treat BV over-the-counter?

BV can be treated with a course of antibiotics, but several over-the-counter preparations are also available that work just as well.

Relactagel, Canes Balance and Balance Activ are all lactic acid treatments that are inserted into the vagina and can be used to both prevent and treat BV. BV can also be prevented by avoiding scented bath products and soaking in the bath for long periods, both of which may change the normal vaginal environment and promote BV.

Can BV go away without antibiotics?

Yes, BV can go away without antibiotics as the normal lactobacilli re-establish themselves. If this happens, there is often no need for treatment.

Do not hesitate to book an appointment for a sexual health check with Dr Nwokolo at one of her London clinics.

Dr Nneka Nwokolo

Por Dr Nneka Nwokolo
Medicina Genitourinaria

La Dra. Nneka Nwokolo es una médica consultora con sede en Londres en Salud Sexual y Medicina del VIH que es conocida por su sensibilidad y discreción.

El Dr. Nwokolo tiene una amplia experiencia en el tratamiento de infecciones de transmisión sexual, ITS y VIH en hombres y mujeres , y un interés especial en el tratamiento de problemas crónicos y recurrentes, como herpes genital , candidiasis recurrente y vaginosis bacteriana . Ella tiene experiencia particular en el tratamiento de la sífilis y la gonorrea resistente a los antibióticos.

Otras áreas de especialización incluyen la anticoncepción, el manejo de la menopausia, la salud sexual de mujeres y adolescentes y la profilaxis previa y posterior a la exposición contra la infección por VIH.

Fue la autora principal de la Guía nacional del Reino Unido para el tratamiento de la infección genital por clamidia. Ella tiene muchas publicaciones en los campos de la salud sexual y el VIH.

El Dr. Nwokolo ofrece una amplia gama de métodos anticonceptivos, incluidos los implantes y la anticoncepción intrauterina, y es un médico instructivo de la Facultad de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, que brinda capacitación en anticoncepción a médicos y enfermeras. Ella es la líder de los jóvenes en su práctica de NHS y brinda atención de salud sexual simpática y anticoncepción a adolescentes mayores de 16 años.


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