How can bone injuries in sport be prevented?

Escrito por: Professor Kuntal Patel
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Top Doctors recently had the chance to speak to esteemed consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Professor Kuntal Patel. Here, in this article, Professor Patel explains just why bone strength is so important for sports athletes, and tells us how to effectively avoid bone injuries in sport. 

Why is bone strength important for athletes?

Bone strength is hugely important when it comes to the high performance of an athlete. More importantly, it is important to prevent injuries to bones, joints, and muscles. 


Athletes who have a high intensity of work required need enough bone strength to be able to perform their day-to-day sport. If the bone strength is not optimised, they are more prone to injuries. Subtle or stress bone fractures and bone pain are typical injuries picked up by athletes.


What is the most common bone injury in athletes?

When it comes to long-distance runners and triathletes, stress fractures are the most common bone injury typically suffered. The most common bones that are affected by these injuries are the foot bones (metatarsals), the shinbone or tibia, and very rarely hip and back stress fractures.



Then, in terms of non-stress related injuries, these “normal injuries” can be picked up in sports such as rugby, tennis, and football. The most common injury in this scenario is an ankle joint injury


Apart from the bone injuries, joint injuries can also occur. The most common joint injury is a knee joint injury.


How can bone injuries in sport be prevented?

Appropriate warm-ups (at least five to 10 minutes), followed by appropriate muscle strength and conditioning, then the sport itself, and finishing with stretches and a warm down. Athletes could also undertake regular weight-bearing exercises, such as jogging, cycling, and brisk walking


Not ignoring any minor injuries is hugely important as well if you want to prevent significant injuries. I would urge anyone not to ignore any minor or major injuries, and to avoid self-treating. This is the key to a speedy recovery, and more importantly, as an effective way to prevent similar injuries in the future. 


To book a consultation with Professor Kuntal Patel, simply head on over to his Top Doctors profile today. 

Por Professor Kuntal Patel

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