Ovarian cysts: What are they?

Escrito por: Professor Saad Amer
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence but what exactly are they? Leading Derby consultant gynaecologist Professor Saad Amer goes into expert detail in this informative article.


Woman who has ovarian cysts with serious expression


What are ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs varying in size. They grow in either ovary. They're extremely common; almost every woman has a little cyst in their ovary during their reproductive lifetime.


Most of these cysts are simple and benign. Usually, they don't cause problems. Occasionally they can cause symptoms. Some of them are functional symptoms and others are benign, and others could be malignant cysts



What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?

Most ovarian cysts, especially when they're small they sit quietly without any symptoms. Sometimes the most common cause of growth or the beginning of problems such as rupturing or twisting, they can give rise to pain. This pain can either be acute pain if it ruptures, or if they form what we call torsions, or the ovary twists on itself. That can give rise to a very acute and agonising pain. Sometimes they can also give rise to chronic pelvic pain, especially if the cyst is large in size. 



How are ovarian cysts treated?

That depends on two things; the nature and the size of the cyst, and the symptoms associated with cyst. Small cysts sitting quietly with little or no symptoms, and no suspicion of any malignancy, we monitor and don't do anything to them. 


Large cysts or cysts which are associated with significant pain or suspicious in nature; we need to remove them surgically. Most of these cysts can be removed through a keyhole procedure



How are ovarian cysts diagnosed and treated?

Ovarian cysts are diagnosed simply through medical examination. If they're large enough we can feel them, but for most of them we need an ultrasound scan to identify the cyst. It's very easy. 




Considering treatment for ovarian cysts? Visit Professor Amer’s Top Doctors profile to arrange an appointment with this highly-experienced practitioner.

Por Professor Saad Amer
Ginecología y Obstetricia

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