The Fertility Centre - Fertility treatment and preservation

The Fertility Centre - Fertility treatment and preservation 02045762299 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH
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Unità Medica specializzata in:

Fertilità Inseminazione artificiale Fecondazione in vitro (FIV) Congelamento di ovociti ICSI Il recupero di spermatozoi

Perché è un'unità medica di prim'ordine

The Fertility Centre at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital is a renowned fertility care centre in London, with an established reputation for excellence for fertility testing and treatment. Taking a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, the centre offers the whole range of available modern fertility treatments, including:

  • Ovulation induction
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Egg freezing
  • Fertility treatment for same sex couples and single women
  • Surgical sperm retrieval

The centre’s team of highly experienced consultants operates a comprehensive management of fertility care, specifically aimed at improving clinical outcomes and meeting patient needs. Included in the centre’s specialisms are also gynaecological surgical procedures, carried out to treat any health conditions that could affect conception.

The Fertility Centre strongly believes in creating a partnership with each patient or couple who seek treatment, providing fair and kind care at all stages of the fertility journey. For patients who wish for additional services, the centre is also able to offer integrated access following treatment to any of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital’s gynaecology, obstetrics and maternity units as well as other continuity care services that may be required.

In 2020, a satellite fertility treatment service was opened at West Middlesex University Hospital. All consultations and scans can be performed at West Middlesex University Hospital, with semen analysis, egg collections, and embryo transfers taking place at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

L'unità medica

The Fertility Centre - Fertility treatment and preservation

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH, South London, London

Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questa unità medica

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Panel medico dell'unità

Miss Kate Maclaran



Esperto in:

Fertility Treatment Fecondazione in vitro (FIV) Congelamento di ovociti Infertilità Menopausa Ovaio policistico
Dr Paula Almeida


Esperto in:

Fertility Treatment Fecondazione in vitro (FIV)
Mr Dimitrios Nikolaou


Esperto in:

Infertilità Fecondazione in vitro (FIV) Congelamento di ovociti Menopausa precoce Donazione di ovuli Fertility Treatment

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Miss Kate Maclaran
Vedi il profilo
Dr Paula Almeida
Vedi il profilo
Mr Dimitrios Nikolaou
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