Articoli del medico: Miss Petya Doncheva Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Recurrent miscarriages: your questions answered

Recurrent miscarriages are rare but can have profound implications on the couple and their families. The couple want to know the reason for their losses and, if a treatable cause is found, to have a management plan for their next pregnancy. Early diagnosis and timely intervention can prevent further miscarriages. Miss Petya Doncheva, renowned consultant gynaecologist and fertility expert explains everything you need to know about recurrent miscarriages, including causes and diagnosis.

PCOS: Your questions answered by an expert

Although around ten per cent of women in the UK are affected by polycystic ovary syndrome, many people are unaware of how best to manage their condition and the wide ranging symptoms which it cause. In this expert article, we hear from revered consultant gynaecologist and fertility specialist Miss Petya Doncheva on the symptoms, risk factors and diagnosis of PCOS.

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