The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity

The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity 02045762297 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London
5 5 1 89
(89) valoraciones verificadas

Unidad Médica especializada en:

Cuidado de maternidad Ecografía El embarazo Embarazo múltiple Preeclampsia Servicio de urgencias 24h Ginecología y Obstetricia

Por qué es una unidad médica de primer nivel

As part of London's reputable Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, The Kensington Wing offers patients renowned high standards of private maternity care, for mothers and parent-to-be and babies. The hospital was opened in 1993 by HRH Queen Elizabeth II and The Kensington Wing is located on the third floor.  

The Kensington Wing focuses on providing individualised consultant-led or midwifery-led care. Pregnant women and birthing people have the option to make decisions about their delivery, to guarantee they have the most positive experience possible. Bespoke prenatal and post-natal, and a wide range of birthing options are offered. The hospital’s unparalleled holistic approach and impressive records have earned it recognition as one of the best in the UK. 

When the time comes to deliver your bundle of joy, a team of highly-skilled midwives, consultants, and health care assistances provide care around the clock, in a luxurious and comfortable setting, equipped with the most up-to-date diagnostics and technologies. There are 16 ensuite rooms designed to be convenient and safe, with foldaway beds for visitors who wish to stay overnight.

La unidad médica

The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London , Central London, London

Imágenes de la unidad médica

Cuadro médico de la unidad

Dr Vasso Terzidou


Experto en:

Control del embarazo Parto prematuro Parto natural Embarazo de riesgo El cerclaje cervical Cesárea
Mr Shane Duffy


Experto en:

Cirugía reconstructiva del suelo pélvi... El embarazo Cesárea Prolapso genital Aborto espontáneo Dismenorrea
Dr Sharmistha Guha


Experto en:

Consejería de embarazo Ecografía Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ... Colposcopia Endometriosis Desórdenes menstruales
Dr Mausumi Das



Experto en:

Técnicas de reproducción asistida Fecundación in vitro (FIV) Tratamiento de fertilidad Preservación de la fertilidad Congelación de óvulos Ovarios poliquísticos

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Mr Shane Duffy
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Dr Vasso Terzidou
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Dr Mausumi Das
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Dr Sharmistha Guha
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Dr Chrissie Yu
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