Mr Matthew James

Chirurgo plastico a London

MBCHB FRCS FRCS (plastics)

Mr Matthew James esperto in:

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Commenti dei pazienti

I can honestly say that from the first appointment with Mr James, right through to having my full tummy tuck with muscle repair, I have been supported and treated with understanding, reassurance and good care. Mr James is an excellent surgeon. So happy with my results.

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Commenti dei pazienti

Dr James was very kind and caring. One of my best experiences going to see a Dr !! and the staff at reception were very welcoming and helpful as well.

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Commenti dei pazienti

After seven and a half stone worth of weight loss, some aspects of my body were causing me immense unhappiness, and were not fixable at the gym. I was nervous about finding a plastic surgeon who would have a compassionate and empathetic approach. I chose Mr James because he also works for the NHS. And he was absolutely lovely. During the consultation, he answered all my questions about the surgery I wanted (abdominoplasty, mastopexy and implants). I knew I was going to be in safe hands. The surgery took place in the private wing of St Thomas’ Hospital (amazing views over London!). I was nervous but well looked after by Mr James’ team. I had Mr James’ mobile phone number and stayed in contact with him in the months after the surgery. I returned to see him many times to make sure all was well (following a slight complication with a stitch). I highly recommended Mr James if you’re looking for a kind, patient and empathetic surgeon. He has changed my life.

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Commenti dei pazienti

I would highly recommend Matthew James

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de Matthew James

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