Articoli del medico: Mr Foued Hamza Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

All about ponytail facelifts

Did you know that model Bella Hadid's hair in a high, tight ponytail has created an effect that's been replicated by many others looking to achieve similar? It's the ponytail facelift. Interested? Internationally-renowned cosmetic surgeon Mr Foued Hamza provides a detailed insight into what's exactly involved in this popular procedure.

Explained: Breast augmentation with fat transfer

Fat transfer is one of the two main types of breast augmentation procedures available alongside breast implants, and while fat transfer has many benefits, there are limitations to the procedure. If you're unclear on whether it's right for you, internationally-renowned cosmetic surgeon Mr Foued Hamza is here to provide an in-depth look at fat transfer and explain the difference between implants and fat transfer.

Non-invasive body contouring

Many patients desire their dream body, but dread the thought of undergoing surgery. However, non-invasive body contouring treatments exist, enabling a new range of possibilities. Mr Foued Hamza is ranked as one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Europe, and here he explains all about these non-invasive ways to contour the body

What to expect with pectoral implants

Alongside the traditional six-pack that many men aspire to have, there are an increasing number of men who wish to have better definition in their chest muscles. Surgical procedures have developed so much that it is now possible for those who want “pecs” to have implants to enhance them. We interviewed plastic surgeon Mr Foued Hamza about pectoral implants and what patients can expect.

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