My periods have changed: Am I menopausal?

Autore: Dr Giada Frontino
Editor: Carlota Pano

Like ourselves, the menstrual cycle changes and evolves as we grow older, due to age-related hormonal changes in the body or stress, lifestyle habits and medication. While a change in the menstrual cycle is not always a sign of an underlying condition, it can be hard to know when it actually is without the help of a gynaecologist.


Here, Dr Giada Frontino, leading consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, provides an expert insight into the changes that can occur in the menstrual cycle. The London-based specialist discusses what can cause a missed period and when you should speak to your gynaecologist, among other important points.



What can cause a missed period?


Regardless of age, it is normal to miss a period once or twice a year. This is often due to stress.


However, it is important that you speak to your gynaecologist if:

  • You have not had a period for several months
  • You have noticed your period becoming heavier
  • You have noticed your period becoming scantier


When should I see a gynaecologist for a change in my period, specifically?


When it comes to changes in the menstrual cycle, you should speak to your gynaecologist if:

  • You have noticed lighter bleeding during your period
  • You have noticed spotting in between periods
  • You have developed clotty periods
  • You have noticed your periods starting earlier or starting later than expected
  • You have crampy stomach pain
  • You have been feeling low in mood or you have been easily snapping at everything
  • You have noticed that your vagina is feeling drier


Many people will also develop symptoms affecting their mood, sleep and sex drive. These symptoms will worsen if they are left untreated.


How will a gynaecologist be able to help?


Your gynaecologist will be able to request several investigations, including blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound scan, to find out the cause of your irregular period and, if applicable, rule out the possibility of the menopause.


With this information, your gynaecologist will then determine the best treatment option for your health and wellbeing.



Dr Giada Frontino is a leading consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with over 20 years’ experience who specialises in all aspects of women’s health, including irregular cycles and abnormal periods, perimenopause and menopause.


If you are worried about an irregular menstrual cycle, do not hesitate to book an appointment with Dr Frontino via her Top Doctors profile today to receive expert treatment and advice.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Giada Frontino
Ginecologia e Ostetricia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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