Dr Gergana Peeva

a London


Dr Gergana Peeva esperta in:

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  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti
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Commenti dei pazienti

Dr. Peeva is simply the best obstetrician in London. She delivered my second child at the Kensington Wing, making it a reassuring experience. Her exceptional care, attention to detail, and numerous follow-ups showed she truly cared. We are beyond grateful!

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Commenti dei pazienti

Dr. Peeva’s care is exceptional. I had anxiety with my 2nd pregnancy after a traumatic experience with my first-born years ago (via NHS) and Dr. Peeva handled all of my concerns with care, reassured me and safely delivered my second child. I will forever be grateful to her.

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  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
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  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

If you are looking for an obstetrician to trust with closed eyes, it would undoubtedly be Dr.Peeva. The level of trust I've placed in her care is beyond words – she's been a true guardian angel for our little boy throughout my pregnancy. From the very first appointment, her professionalism and competence were evident, making me feel like I was in the safest hands possible. Her scan skills are beyond words. She diagnosed a highly uncommon condition in our baby that was overlooked by three other reputable obstetricians. With clarity and compassion, she guided us through the diagnosis, enabling us to make an informed decision. Dr. Peeva not only listens attentively to your questions and concerns but also empathizes with your situation, ensuring that every question and worry is met with the highest level of professionalism and care. Despite her demanding schedule, she treats you as if you were the only one under her care, her level of personalized attention is rare. Navigating pregnancy at over 40 with a complicated health history was challenging, often leaving me feeling overwhelmed. However, under her attentive care, I experienced a smooth journey of nine months, resulting in the joyful arrival of a healthy baby boy through a highly successful C-section.   C section proceeded seamlessly; I was able to stand up on the very day of the operation. Dr Peeva provided invaluable support, accompanying me on walks and ensuring my comfort. I found myself pain-free within three days, and by the week's end, I was back on my feet entirely. She diligently offered guidance to ensure the perfect healing of the scar which is minimal and difficult to see!  
Dr. Peeva has not only played a pivotal role in my pregnancy but has left an unforgettable mark on my heart with her compassionate and expert care. Every step of the way, I felt secure in the knowledge that I was in the hands of a true expert. Trusting her has been a decision I will forever be grateful for, and I can't recommend her enough.

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti

Otra información de interés de Gergana Peeva

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