Facial plastic surgery is a fascinating area because it focuses on both reconstruction and aesthetic changes of the head and neck. In that respect, it is highly complex and has the power to make a huge difference to patients. Mr Charles East is a renowned facial plastic surgeon based in London. He was one of the first in the country to master this field of medicine, and to date, he continues to make a mark. Despite his busy schedule, we managed to ask him a few questions about his decision to become a doctor, and what it’s like to work as a facial plastic surgeon.
Why did you decide to become a doctor, and later, an ENT surgeon?
I was equal in both sciences and arts leaving school but always had a practical leaning – my family were historically artists or in business, but instead of following, I became interested in orthodontics. However, I was advised to study medicine first.
What was the hardest part about training to become an ENT surgeon?
I did not regret the decision to become a doctor because undergraduate and postgraduate studies and training were amazing. We worked hard at all levels, but also played hard, often sacrificing a social life for study.
Why did you decide to focus on facial plastic surgery?
My interest in the head and neck started as an anatomy demonstrator and success in the primary fellowship set me on the path to surgical training.
One particular specialist had inspired me and after general, thoracic and urology training I started ENT at Oxford, never to look back. The colleagues there were amazing in helping me and I was fortunate to ascend the training ladder quickly, returning to London for higher surgical training.
I was one of the first surgeons in London to be involved in the new minimally-invasive nasal surgery techniques, but it was a fellowship in Seattle that launched my career in facial plastic surgery – thank you, Dr Larrabee.
The discipline of facial plastics did not exist in the UK, so it was difficult to get going. My appointment at the Royal National Hospital allowed me to run courses and develop the specialty, which attracted many aspiring young surgeons.
I joined the craniofacial service at University College Hospitals NHS Trust and have been fortunate to work with a dedicated world-class group of specialists.
Why did you decide to found your own clinic, Rhinoplasty London, with Ms Badia?
In independent practice, my wife Lydia Badia, also a facial plastic surgeon, and I decided to set up Rhinoplasty London by East and Badia to provide a specialist practice related to the face and nose.
It was clear that supra-specialisation provided a better outcome for patients than treatments by a generalist, and hence our motivation to create the leading centre for rhinoplasty and facial aesthetics.
How many rhinoplasties do you think you have performed?
In a full week, we will undertake between 6-7 rhinoplasties of all types plus other facial surgery (eyelids, fat transfer, prominent ear correction, lifting) and non-surgical facial rejuvenation.
I kept a record of operations from when I started as a consultant in 1993, but stopped counting after 3,200 rhinoplasties several years before setting up our specialist service.
I continue to do facial surgery for craniofacial deformity at UCLH, but now the majority of my work is with Rhinoplasty London.
What is your favourite procedure to perform?
Certainly, our favourite operation is rhinoplasty.
A properly done nose can transform a life; from a deformed child to a teenager, to any age after, including those who have suffered injury, and it is a privilege to be able to help them.
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
‘Getting it right first time’ is our goal and the international group to whom we belong has been hugely influential in shaping modern rhinoplasty – from Diamond Rhinoplasty (piezo) to regenerative medicine, to measuring outcomes, to the renaissance of preservation rhinoplasty. We have published in scientific journals and lectured around the world.
As a consequence, we treat patients locally, nationally and internationally. We are also a referral base for complex secondary surgery for those patients who were unfortunate in not getting the right result with their initial choice of specialist.
It is so rewarding to work with the best practice managers and clinical nurse specialists in London. Thanks to our team at Rhinoplasty London.
Mr Charles East practises at the highly regarded clinic Rhinoplasty London by East and Badia on Harley Street, London. Mr East is a winning specialist of the Top Doctors Awards 2018. If you would like to learn more about Mr East or book a consultation with him, check his availability here.