Specialists GI DOCTORS

The best specialists TOP DOCTORS

Dr Farooq Rahman


Areas of expertise:

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Crohn's disease Ulcerative colitis Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Colonoscopy Coeliac
Mr Shashank Gurjar

Colorectal surgeon

Areas of expertise:

Colorectal cancer Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Diverticular disease Hemorrhoid surgery Anal fistula surgery
Mr Shahab Siddiqi


Areas of expertise:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Itchy bottom Robotic surgery Rectal prolapse Bowel incontinence
Dr Mani Naghibi


Areas of expertise:

Gastric reflux Abdominal pain Diarrhoea Constipation Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Helicobacter pylori Gastric ulcer
Dr Natalie Phillips



Areas of expertise:

Gastroscopy Colonoscopy ERCP Coeliac Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Dr Shameer Mehta


Areas of expertise:

Radiotherapy side effects Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Clinical nutrition Crohn's disease Ulcerative colitis Intestinal failure
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