Mr Andrew Taylor

Orthopaedic surgeon in Liverpool

BSc(Hons) MBBS FRCS(Eng) FRCS(TR and Orth)

Mr Andrew Taylor areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Andrew Tayor is a leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon based in Liverpool. His subspecialist interest is diagnosing and treating conditions of the knee, including knee injuries and meniscal disease. He performs simple and complex surgical procedures on the knee, including knee replacement surgery, ligament reconstruction and knee arthroscopy.

Furthermore, he is a specialist in sports injuries concerning the knee and is involved with a number of professional sports teams. This includes being the knee surgeon to Liverpool Football Club.

Not only does he commit his career to first-class patient care, but he also shares his medical expertise with other professionals by means of regular talks in GP practices and at Spire Liverpool Hospital, which is also the location of his private practice.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

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