Vídeos del Mr Christopher Pepper
Sleep disorders: an expert overview of medical conditions such as sleep apnoea
Sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea and snoring can be quite a cause for concern depending on the severity of the sleep-affecting conditions. In our latest online interview, esteemed London-based consultant paediatric otolaryngologist, Mr Christopher Pepper, provides a comprehensive, expert analysis of how both conditions can be related and how and why both conditions affect one's sleep. If you are concerned about your sleeping pattern and feel as though you are currently being affected by one or both of these conditions, you can book an appointment with Mr Pepper via his Top Doctors profile here: https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/doctor/christopher-pepper ✔ Follow us on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3fSrqXb ✔ Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3t5kGsW ✔ Follow us on Twitter: https://bit.ly/39TidKh