Vídeos del Mr David Houlihan-Burne

Stryker Mako Steve


Steve Betts, 68, was one of the first Stryker Mako patients at Fortius Joint Replacement Centre to have total knee replacements in one surgery. At his initial appointment with Mr Houlihan-Burne, Steve had both of his knees scanned and was advised that he needed bilateral knee replacements. Since the operation he has gone from strength to strength, and as an avid cyclist and sailor has been able to swiftly return to his favourite hobbies.
Steve said: “The day after surgery I was standing, I couldn’t believe it. Two weeks after surgery I was able to go back to the gym and was driving after just four weeks! Each step in my recovery has certainly been a milestone for me, the fact that I can now sail again is just incredible.”
“I would absolutely recommend the procedure – trust in your Surgeon is very important and the Stryker Mako robotic-arm certainly added to my experience!”

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