Vídeos del Dr Deepak Ravindran
What are the causes and symptoms of Fibromyalgia? Dr Deepak Ravindran
Following on from my last video 'What is Fibromyalgia' in this video, I discuss what is happening in our bodies when we are affected by the condition, events that can cause Fibromyalgia and the subsequent types of symptoms that can be experienced. Hello and thank you for visiting my YouTube channel. I'm Dr Deepak Ravindran, multi-award-winning pain expert, consultant and author of the Amazon bestseller, 'The Pain-free Mindset. My book 'The Pain-free Mindset' is available here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pain-Free-Mindset-Control-Overcoming-Chronic/dp/1785043390/ My website: https://deepakravindran.co.uk/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrDeepakRavindran/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdeepakravindran/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deepak-ravindran-b225a61a/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/deepakravindra5 I hope you find this video and channel useful, please do subscribe and hit the notification button to make sure you don't miss any of my future content.