Dr Evangelos Mallidis

in Ipswich

Dr Evangelos Mallidis areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Evangelos Mallidis is a distinguished consultant general and oncoplastic surgeon, with over 10 years of experience, based in Ipswich. He offers a wide range of services and treatments, including breast augmentation, breast reduction,  breast uplift, lipofilling/ lipomodelling, breast cancer care and One Stop Breast Clinic assessment.
Mr Mallidis has been an NHS Consultant Surgeon since 2016 and has been based in Ipswich since September 2017. He earned his medical degree and trained as a General Surgeon in Greece before moving to the UK in 2013 to specialise in breast surgery. In 2016, he completed an oncoplastic breast fellowship at Frimley Park Hospital NHS and obtained a postgraduate diploma in oncoplastic breast surgery from the University of East Anglia (UEA).
Mr Mallidis has also served as an NHS Consultant Breast Surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals and Kingston Hospital. Before his fellowship, he worked at Medway NHS Hospital and Castle Hill NHS Hospital in East Yorkshire. His expertise encompasses the full spectrum of breast surgery for both benign and malignant conditions, with a strong emphasis on patient safety.
In addition to his clinical work, Mr Mallidis is dedicated to teaching. He instructs trainee and junior doctors and leads the undergraduate programme for students from the University of East Anglia and Cambridge University visiting the Ipswich Hospital Breast Team.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Other information about Evangelos Mallidis

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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