• Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Todos los comentarios son de pacientes verificados a través de Top Doctors.

  • Would you recommend this doctor?
  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

U. K. Verified Patient

Was treated by Mr Fawaz yesterday at the KCC Hospital in Canterbury. The whole experience was totally tpainfree and performed well, with very pleasant support of nurses. Would highly recommend Mr Fawaz

  • Would you recommend this doctor?
  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

W. H. Verified Patient

Dr Fawaz gave me the best botox results. It looks very natural and his hands are very gentle with the needle. Highly recommended.

  • Would you recommend this doctor?
  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

K. C. Verified Patient

Calm, modern environment. After registration and waiting 40 minutes past my appointment time; my meeting with Mr Fawaz was indeed well worth the wait. Apart from apologising profusely for the wait, he was very informative and I was treated with the utmost care.

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