Dr Milvia Di Gioia

in London

DDS MSc Oral and Perioral Aesthetics

Dr Milvia Di Gioia areas of expertise:

Professional statement

GDC Registration Number 130862

Dr Milvia Di Gioia
is an internationally-respected dental surgeon with practise limited to non-surgical facial aesthetics, who specialises in dermal fillers, biorevolumetry and skin rejuvenation alongside PRP rejuvenation, chemical peels and cosmoceuticals. She practises at LCIAD Face in Marylebone, central London.

Dr Di Gioia is dedicated to aesthetic dentistry and complex full mouth rehabilitation, and is constantly seeking for the perfect balance between a beautiful smile and harmony of the face. Her passion for facial aesthetics has developed over the years since graduating as a dental surgeon from the University of Bari, Italy, and her acquired knowledge and skills have enabled her to offer the most advanced and sought after non-surgical facial aesthetic techniques. These techniques enhance natural beauty in a subtle way without exaggerating or overuse.

Further to her DDS, Dr Di Gioia has an MSc in Oral and Perioral Aesthetics from the University of Padua, Italy. It was the first accredited university training on facial aesthetic treatment for dentists in Europe. 

Since then, Dr Di Gioia has carried out research into injectable fillers with new 3D technology (Polishape 3D) and is the author of Aesthetics of Oral and Peri-oral Tissues in Dentistry (Estetica dei tessuti orali e periorali in odontoiatria). She has also written clinical research papers that have featured in peer-reviewed journals and is the president and founding member of Poiesis, the Perioral and Oral Integrated Esthetic Science Treatment Society. This scientific society is dedicated to facial aesthetics in dentistry and general well-being. 

Alongside her impressive published work, and respected academic and career achievements, Dr Di Giola regularly lectures on facial aesthetics at various congresses in Italy and other European countries. She is also the director of the Icamp College Masters course in Extraoral Aesthetic Dentistry and an adjunct professor on the International Masters course in Aesthetic Medicine and Aesthetic Treatments at the University of Camerino, Italy.    

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Milvia Di Gioia

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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