Dr Neil Parrett

in Essex

MA (Hons) DClinPsy PgDip C.Psychol

Dr Neil Parrett areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Neil Parrett is a chartered clinical psychologist with the Health and Care Professionals Council and the British Psychological Society, of which he is a member of their Division of Neuropsychology.

He has extensive experience in specialist brain injury neuropsychological assessment and treatment, particularly with regards to challenging behaviour, mood, cognitive impairment and social issues. He was awarded an MA (Hons) in Psychology from Edinburgh University before completing his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at University College London and Post-graduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology at Glasgow University.

He has worked in post-acute inpatient rehabilitation and community-based rehabilitation across the NHS, private and charity sectors. He is also currently a trustee of Headway Essex. He has been working as a treating clinician in medico-legal cases since 2010 and as an expert witness since 2012 and has published papers in several areas of clinical psychology including brain injury rehabilitation.


Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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