Mr Scott Robbie

Ophthalmologist in London


Mr Scott Robbie areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Scott Robbie is a renowned consultant ophthalmologist at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals specialising in cornea, cataract, external diseases and refractive surgery. He has over 15 years of experience in ophthalmology with over 3000 cataract surgeries performed.

Mr Robbie trained at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust where he completed two years of advanced corneal surgical training and a further two years as a consultant in cornea, cataract and external diseases before joining the team at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ in 2017. He obtained further experience as a visiting consultant at University of Iowa Hospitals in the United States in 2015. Mr Robbie also has a PhD in Genetics, undertaken at the world-renowned UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, where he was involved in the first gene therapy trial for an eye condition and engaged in collaborations with GlaxoSmithKline and the University of Bristol, amongst others.

As a prestigious National Institute for Health Research Clinical lecturer at Moorfields, he obtained funding to develop a translational project examining the use of gene therapy viral vectors to treat corneal neovascularisation and, to this day, he continues to work on this as a research associate at University College London. He has more than 30 peer-reviewed publications to his name. 

One of the highlights of Mr Robbie's career is that he was selected as one of the eye surgeons responsible for providing care to athletes in the Athlete’s Village at the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. He maintains a broad research interest that encompasses novel therapeutics and intraocular lens technologies, most recently lens technology developed to improve visual outcomes in patients with macular disease undergoing cataract surgery.

His wealth of expertise and dedication to the field of ophthalmology has led him to be a key figure in the teaching and training of many junior doctors and medical students. He regularly trains other surgeons in cataract and corneal surgery in the NHS.

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Patient reviews

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

Mr Robbie went above and beyond to answer my queries and address my concerns.

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

Mr Robbie did my LASIK procedure. He explained everything to me step by step and managed my expectations. Mr Robbie has an amazing bed side manner and put me at ease prior and during the procedure. The procedure itself went smoothly and Im very pleased with the outcome of it.

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

I will certainly recommend to my friends of doctor Robbie ‘s professional service.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Scott Robbie

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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