Specialists The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

The best specialists TOP DOCTORS

Mr Soulat Naim

Orthopaedic surgeon


Areas of expertise:

Knee replacement Knee Surgery Hip Replacement
Mr Tahir Mahmud

Orthopaedic surgeon

Areas of expertise:

Sports injuries Knee Osteoarthritis Partial surgery or knee Unicondylar Knee replacement Robotic surgery
Mr Thomas Satyadas


Areas of expertise:

Gallbladder surgery Hernia Liver cancer Pancreatic cancer
Professor Simon Lloyd


Areas of expertise:

Otology Perforation of the eardrum Cochlear Implants Acoustic neuroma Dizziness Tinnitus
Mr Gurudatt Sisodia

Orthopaedic surgeon

Areas of expertise:

Knee arthroscopy Anterior cruciate ligament Instability of the patella Knee replacement Hip Replacement
Mr Aftab Siddiqui

Plastic surgeon

Areas of expertise:

Abdominoplasty Breast augmentation Breast reduction Breast lift or mastopexy Thigh lift
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