Easy aesthetic surgery to solve breast asymmetry

Escrito por: Ms Gael MacLean
Publicado: | Actualizado: 17/11/2023
Editado por: Aoife Maguire

The vast majority of women have uneven breasts to some degree. In general, it is accepted as being natural. However, in some cases, this natural breast asymmetry is more marked and noticeable and is an issue for the patient.

Breast asymmetry can create psychological issues, including low self-esteem, since the difference in shape and size between the two uneven breasts can be very evident in bathing suits and even in regular clothes. It can also be a source of insecurity in personal and sexual relationships.

In this situation, many women live with these anxieties because they do not know there are potential solutions to their breast asymmetry.

How can breast asymmetry be treated?

It is very important to know that each case of breast asymmetry is different; some patients will benefit from breast prostheses of different sizes in each breast, or just one breast, while other patients will require deeper surgery on their mammary gland, and others will obtain better results with a reduction or elevation of their breast. In general, each case of breast asymmetry correction is different.

This is because breast asymmetry can have different causes that should be treated as needed. That is why it is very important to consult with a plastic surgery specialist who can diagnose exactly what type of problem should be treated in each particular patient.

What results can I expect from breast asymmetry surgery?

The key to achieving a good result is, in many cases, the correct diagnosis. For this we currently have state-of-the-art imaging tools that enable us to calculate the differences in shape and volume between the two uneven breasts. This analysis allows us to plan the surgery very precisely so as to achieve the most satisfactory result possible.

What is the best time to undergo breast asymmetry surgery?

This depends on the cause of the breast asymmetry, as there are many possible causes. In general, we should wait until the chest has fully developed, around the age of eighteen, to undertake the aesthetic surgery. However, there are some diseases such as Poland Syndrome that affect the development of the woman's breast from the very beginning of puberty and then, in our opinion, it is advisable to treat it right away.


In summary, breast asymmetry is a source of anxiety and insecurity in many women, but in most cases, there is a solution. In any case, it is important to consult a plastic surgery specialist and, together, to agree on a plan of action.

By Ms Gael MacLean

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