Videos de Wimpole Street Dental Clinic

Inflammation of the Gums around Crowns – What to do? Ver más

Adhesive bridges in the anterior region: replacing missing teeth without implants - case of November Ver más

Difficult case: replace broken posterior teeth with a dental bridge - case of the month December Ver más

Full mouth reconstruction in five appointments - Case of the month January 2018 Ver más

Replacing ugly front crowns - Second case of the month November 2017 Ver más

Replacing bad front crowns - First case of the month November 2017 Ver más

Immediate implant replacing front tooth with heavy infection - Case of the month 10 2017 Ver más

Case of the month - minimal invasive dentistry to enhance your smile with veneers Ver más

Immediate Implant in Region 11- Case of the month 08 2017 Ver más

The apicectomy: Root resection after root canal treatment Ver más

Removal of wisdom teeth and cysts Ver más

Why is dental hygiene and professional teeth cleaning so important? Ver más

Does bleaching really harm your teeth? Here is how it works Ver más

Maryland bridge: The preferred procedure if only single teeth are missing Ver más

Composite bonding: all your questions answered - Online interview Ver más

Smile! Having the "fixed teeth in a day" procedure Ver más

Dental bone augmentation: your all-you-need-to-know guide - Online interview Ver más

An introduction to Professor Christian Mehl Ver más

Dental implants: What's involved in treatment? Ver más

What you should know about chipped teeth - Online interview Ver más

Overcoming dental phobia to restore dental health - Online interview Ver más

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