Dr Graham Lipkin

Medicina interna en Birmingham


Dr Graham Lipkin experto en:

Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel

Dr Graham Lipkin is a highly respected consultant in internal and renal medicine, with over three decades of experience. His extensive training included renowned institutions such as Leeds General Infirmary, St Bartholomew's Hospital in London, and University Hospital Birmingham. He practises privately at The Harborne Hospital.

Throughout his career, he has played a pivotal role in the field of nephrology, serving as the past president of the UK Kidney Association and as National Co-Chair for Renal GIRFT. Additionally, he co-authored the National Renal Quality Improvement Report and currently chairs the board of Kidney Care UK.

Dr Lipkin has made significant contributions to rare kidney disease care, having spearheaded the establishment of the Birmingham Centre for Rare Disease. His leadership extended to his role as clinical director of renal medicine at University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHBFT).

With a keen focus on chronic kidney disease (CKD), high blood pressure, dialysis, and kidney transplantation, Dr Lipkin also specialises in the management of rare kidney diseases. His research primarily revolves around CKD in pregnancy and kidney transplantation, and he has contributed to over 80 research publications and authored several book chapters in these areas.

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