201 Artículos médicos sobre Dermatología Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

More than skin-deep: a guide to skin rash diagnoses

Most people have experienced a rash in one form or another – and there are many, many forms! When diagnosing and treating a rash, there are a lot of characteristics to take into account, like where the rash appears, the colour and the texture, and further information is needed such as allergies, recent activity, diet, and environment… it can be overwhelming to wade through all the possibilities. Luckily, celebrated consultant dermatologist Dr Eugene Ong shares his knowledge in this handy guide.

Skin Cancer in older adults: Ocurrence and prevention advice

Skin cancer is a prevalent condition, particularly among older adults. Understanding the risks, ocurrence, and prevention methods is crucial for managing and reducing the incidence of this disease. Here, leading consultant dermatological surgeon Dr Raj Mallipeddi provides an overview of skin cancer in older adults, focusing on ocurrence and practical advice for prevention.

Mostrando resultados 10 de 201

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