Más de 6926 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Day case knee replacement surgery: An innovative approach

Knee pain can be debilitating, affecting our mobility and quality of life. For those who have exhausted non-surgical treatments, knee replacement surgery can offer a new lease on life. But did you know that modern medicine has made it possible for some patients to undergo knee replacement as a day case procedure? In this article, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Manju Ramappa explores the ins and outs of day case knee replacement surgery, answering some common questions about this innovative approach.

The road to recovery: Treatment for meniscus tears

The journey to recovery from a meniscus tear can take significant time, depending on factors including tear severity, type, and location. We invited renowned orthopaedic surgeon Mr Akash Patel to tell us more about what the recovery process entails, including valuable insight on when surgery may be necessary and the potential duration of the healing process.

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