Artículos del centro: London Medical Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding PCOS and its impact on menstrual health and cancer risk

Many people who menstruate may experience irregular periods, and this is not an uncommon occurrence. Approximately one in four individuals who menstruate may encounter menstrual irregularities. These irregularities can manifest in various ways, such as shorter or longer cycles or extended gaps between periods (more than three months apart). Several factors can contribute to these changes, including pregnancy, hormonal birth control pills, stress, illness, endometriosis, sexually-transmitted infections, and hormone disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In his latest online article, Mr Mahantesh Karoshi gives us his insights.

Health issues in modern women vs women in the past: a comparative analysis

The transition from traditional to modern lifestyles has brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives. In the context of women's health, there is a growing concern that modern women are more prone to conditions such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), endometriosis, adenomyosis, and fibroids. Mr Mahantesh Karoshi, leading women’s health expert and consultant gynaecologist aims explores the potential reasons behind this increased vulnerability, attributing it to the shift in lifestyle factors such as dietary choices and sedentary habits.

An expert’s guide to weight loss medicine

Weight management is a problem that we can all struggle with, and for some, weight loss is an extremely lengthy and difficult process. In recent years, the discovery of weight loss medicine has made some people believe that there is a solution to their problems. However, are weight loss medicines really effective? Leading general, gastrointestinal and bariatric surgeon Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed provides a comprehensive guide to weight loss medicine, including the various types available and potential side effects of weight loss drugs.

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