Artículos del centro: London Medical Más de 6926 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How is premature ovarian insufficiency treated?

Premature ovarian insufficiency is a condition that affects young women, and can significantly affect women's chances of becoming pregnant. In our latest article, women's health expert, and experienced consultant gynaecologist, Mr Mahantesh Karoshi, explains in more detail what premature ovarian insufficiency is, and how it can be effectively treated.

Urine: Not pregnant. Blood: Pregnant. How is this possible?

Urine pregnancy tests may not be a set-in-stone result when it comes to determining whether or not your pregnant. The opposite can be revealed via a blood test, due to the different qualities the substances possess. Here to highlight the difference between the two types of tests and how they detect pregnancy is revered gynaecologist Mr Mahantesh Karoshi.

Do uterine polyps affect fertility?

Uterine polyps are growths which can develop on the lining of the womb. They can cause pain and heavy menstrual bleeding and in some cases, they can also affect fertility. In this article, leading women’s health expert and consultant gynaecologist Mr Mahantesh Karoshi gives expert insight on this type of growth and when it should be removed. He also explains how polyps can cause fertility problems.

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