Artículos del centro: Sarum Road Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Más de 6926 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Prostate cancer screening and diagnosis

The European Urology Association recommends that men should initiate early detection for prostate cancer screenings, at an individual level, beginning from the age of 50 if they do not have a family history of prostate cancer or who are not of African descent. On the other hand, men who do have a family history of prostate cancer or who are of African descent should begin prostate cancer screening from the age of 45 years. Men who carry BRCA2 mutations should start their screening at 40 years of age. Individuals, both male and female, with these mutations are more prone to suffer from early onset of breast, ovarian or prostate cancer in these male and female individuals).

Grading the knee: why knee scores are important

Many people are familiar with all different kinds of questionnaires taken at the doctors. For those who have knee problems, they may have encountered one regarding the knee specifically, known as a “knee score”. Explaining more about this, highly-regarded orthopaedic surgeon Mr Christopher Bailey goes into detail about what can be expected in this article.

Ask an expert: Top 5 knee surgeries

Chronic knee pain caused by a sports injury or the development of arthritis can detract greatly from patients' quality of life. Many may benefit from a form of knee surgery to provide relief and improve mobility. In this article, Mr Christopher Bailey, leading orthopaedic surgeon and specialist in joint replacement, outlines the most common surgical procedures performed on the knee and the positive outcomes they can bring for patients.

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