Hysteroscopy: diagnosing abnormalities in the womb

Escrito por: Mr Sandeep Sharma
Editado por: Robert Smith

We recently spoke with an extremely experienced consultant gynaecologist, Mr Sandeep Sharma, who frequently performs procedures to diagnose abnormalities in the womb.

We sat with him to discuss the many reasons someone may be recommended to have a hysteroscopy, what happens during the procedure, some of its risks and if there are any alternatives available.

Why would a patient need a hysteroscopy procedure?

Hysteroscopy may be necessary to diagnose abnormalities in the womb. This may be required during investigations of heavy periods, bleeding in between periods, infertility, unexpected cessation of periods, recurrent miscarriages or post-menopausal bleeding. The expected abnormalities can include endometrial polyps, fibroids, adhesions, cancer or developmental abnormalities of the womb.


What happens during the hysteroscopy procedure?

Hysteroscopy involves passing a telescopic camera (a hysteroscope) into the womb in order to examine the inside of the womb. This may be done under a local anaesthetic or a general anaesthetic. The local anaesthetic is performed by injecting an anaesthetic injection into the cervix in order to numb it. This is because the stretching of the cervix by the passing hysteroscope can be painful. The choice of anaesthetic is personal preference but recovery from local anaesthetic is much quicker.


Does my menstrual cycle affect when I can have a hysteroscopy?

Ideally, hysteroscopy is not done during a period so as to get better views of the womb. The second half of the menstrual cycle (i.e. within 2 weeks before a period) is better if a biopsy is also planned as the endometrium (lining of the womb) is thicker at this time. However, care must be taken to ensure that pregnancy is not a possibility.


Are there risks associated with a hysteroscopy?

There are uncommon risks such as minimal trauma to the cervix or sometimes trauma to the wall of the womb. This can result in some bleeding (often not worrisome) or infection. Complications are less likely if hysteroscopy is performed by experienced clinicians.


Are there alternatives to hysteroscopy that are equally as efficient?

An ultrasound scan of the pelvis (both with an abdominal and transvaginal probe) is very informative to suspect most of the abnormalities within the womb but hysteroscopy remains the gold standard investigation of choice.

If you feel you may benefit from a hysteroscopy or you are experiencing unusual symptoms that may be related to your womb or vaginal health, we recommend booking a consultation with Mr Sandeep Sharma. You can book a consultation via his Top Doctors profile.

Mr Sandeep Sharma

Por Mr Sandeep Sharma
Ginecología y Obstetricia

El Sr. Sandeep Sharma es un ginecólogo consultor en Wakefield y Leeds que realiza regularmente una histerectomía laparoscópica total para los cánceres endometriales tempranos, la extirpación laparoscópica de quistes ováricos o la extirpación de ovarios para prevenir cánceres en portadores de mutación del gen BRCA.

El Sr. Sharma entrenó y trabajó en las Fuerzas Armadas Indias antes de mudarse y establecerse en Yorkshire en 2003. El Sr. Sharma ha estado tratando a mujeres con periodos abundantes mediante la ablación endometrial. Ha manejado los fibromas a través de la resección histeroscópica de fibromas submucosos, miomectomía o histerectomía. Regularmente dirige clínicas para el tratamiento de enfermedades de la piel de la vulva, dolor pélvico y relaciones sexuales dolorosas.

El Sr. Sharma tiene un interés especial en el tratamiento de la menopausia y la prevención de la osteoporosis. Ahora hay varias opciones de manejo para la menopausia, incluido el tratamiento no hormonal para las mujeres que no pueden tener TRH debido a cánceres previos. Estos incluyen radiofrecuencia vaginal y tratamientos con láser. Es un apasionado de la enseñanza y capacita a colegas y médicos jóvenes en cirugía laparoscópica e histeroscópica.

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