
Algocells 08006891474 Verney House, 1 Hollywood Road, SW10 9HS
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Centro specializzato in:

Disturbo dell'articolazione temporo-mand... Reumatologia Mal di schiena Piede e caviglia Dolore al petto Secondo parere medico Ecografía Anca Gestione del dolore Bio-stimolazione con plasma ricco di pia...


Unità del dolore

Knee joint pain from arthritis is debilitating and after some time, it can become chronic. Leading London pain management and anaesthetist Dr Zbigniew Kirkor offers expert advice about knee arthritis pain in this informative article, including diagnosis and relief, alongside discussing the effectiveness of regenerative medicine.

Unità del dolore

Did you know that people with a herniated disc may experience the frustrating symptom of being unable to sit down? Emerging new pain management methods such as regenerative medicine, thankfully offer relief from this and other painful symptoms of this condition. Highly-skilled consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine Dr Zbigniew Kirkor speaks to Top Doctors about how herniated disc patients can get back to a previous quality of life through this treatment, and other options, in this informative article.



An introduction to Dr Zbigniew Kirkor
In this video clip, highly skilled consultant in a...
When is lower back pain serious? - Online interview
In our latest online interview, highly esteemed pa...

Altre informazioni di interesse:

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

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Richiedi un appuntamento online
Dr Martynas Juozaitis
Unità Del Dolore
Vedi il profilo
Dr Zbigniew Kirkor
Unità Del Dolore
Vedi il profilo
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