Atrom Mindcare Holistic Psychiatric Clinic

Atrom Mindcare Holistic Psychiatric Clinic 02034332133 The Civic Building, 323 High Street Regus, 323 High St, Epping
5 5 1 4
(4) Recensioni verificate

Friendly and thorough.

Centro specializzato in:

Ansia Disturbo bipolare Autismo Stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS... Depressione Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

Atrom Mindcare Holistic Psychiatric Clinic is a respected private health centre located in Epping that offers holistic psychiatric care, including psychiatric assessment and treatment as well as a range of psychological therapies. The clinic specialises in anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), personality disorders, mood disorders, and the modern treatment of deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (Deep rTMS). Atrom Mindcare Holistic Psychiatric Clinic's experienced team provides individually-tailored assessments and non-invasive treatment options with minimal side effects for various mental health conditions.

Led by esteemed consultant psychiatrist and clinical director, Dr Aarohee Desai-Gupta, the team at Atrom Mindcare Clinic provides careful assessment of new patients to ensure each patient has the best suited evidence-based treatment.

Additionally, patients are provided with detailed information on what to expect from the treatment intervention, including the potential side effects and benefits of the treatments.

Located in the centre of Epping in Southwest Essex, the friendly team of staff at Atrom Mindcare Holistic Psychiatric Clinic helps to welcome patients and ensures that each visit is a relaxed and comfortable experience.

Il centro

Atrom Mindcare Holistic Psychiatric Clinic

The Civic Building, 323 High Street Regus, 323 High St, Epping, Epping, Essex

Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questo centro

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Quadro medico del centro

Dr Aarohee Desai-Gupta


Esperto in:

Stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS... ADHD Disturbi dell'umore Disturbi della personalità Ansia Depressione

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

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Dr Aarohee Desai-Gupta
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