
Consult-ENT 01227 764686 BMI Chaucer Hospital, Nackington Rd, Canterbury, CT4 7AR
5 5 1 48
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Centro specializzato in:

Alterazioni della voce Naso chiuso Otite Vertigini Pediatria Perdita di udito



Head and neck cancer is a relatively uncommon type of cancer, with around 12,000 cases diagnosed in the UK each year. Here, Mr Vikram Dhar, renowned consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon, shares his expert insight on the different types, the risk factors and the diagnosis of head and neck cancer, as well as the support available for patients.


Revered consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon Mr Vikram Dhar sheds light on the symptoms of tonsillitis and how the condition is treated, including when surgical intervention is indicated.



An introduction to Mr Guna Reddy-Kolanu
In this interview with leading ENT specialist Mr G...
Balance disorder FAQs: Ask an expert - Online interview
Balance can be affected by many parts of the body,...

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Mr Guna Reddy-Kolanu
Vedi il profilo
Mr Karan Kapoor
Vedi il profilo
Mr Vikram Dhar
Vedi il profilo
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