Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa

Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa 02033490525 12 Queen Anne's Pl, Enfield
5 5 1 10
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Centro specializzato in:

Odontoiatria Odontoiatria estetica Procedure cosmetiche non chirurgiche

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

The Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa is a highly respected clinic located in Enfield, North London. Specialising in emergency dental care and aesthetic dentistry, patients can access swift and expert treatment at the practice. The clinic’s esteemed team of specialists offer a full service for treatment of urgent dental problems, and also offer state-of-the-art cosmetic treatments, including composite bonding, Invisalign and veneers. In addition, a range of non-surgical anti-ageing treatments, such as dermal fillers are also available for patients at the Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa.

With advanced technology and equipment on-site, the team at the Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa are able to provide a thorough diagnosis of the source of dental pain and effectively treat the issue at hand without delay. In the clinic’s modern dental suite, the clinic’s top specialists can provide a wide range of treatments and services, including:

  • x-rays
  • tooth replacement
  • composite fillings
  • root canal treatment
  • tooth extractions

For patients looking to improve the appearance of their smile, the Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa offers a range of cosmetic dental procedures and treatment, prioritising patient safety at all times. Some of the aesthetic dental treatments on offer include:

  • composite bonding
  • Invisalign
  • porcelain veneers
  • teeth whitening

The Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa is widely regarded as a leading centre for dental care, having been recognised in both The Dentistry Awards and the Private Dentistry Awards as a finalist in 2023. Designed with patient experience in mind, the clinic is attractively furnished to ensure a comfortable and pleasant visit. The friendly team of staff at the Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa are ready to welcome new patients and offer fast access to appointments at an affordable cost, ensuring that everyone can access expert dental care.

Il centro

Dentozen Dental and Skin Spa

12 Queen Anne's Pl, Enfield , North London, London

Immagine del centro

Quadro medico del centro

Dr Neha Patel


Esperto in:

Trattamento del canale radice Estetica dentale Invisalign Diagnosi del dolore dentale Incollaggio dentale impiallacciature

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

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Richiedi un appuntamento online
Dr Neha Patel
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