Essex Plastic Surgery

Essex Plastic Surgery 07399582295 Springfield Hospital, Lawn Ln, Chelmsford CM1 7GU
5 5 1 32
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Centro specializzato in:

Chirurgia plastica Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatri... Sollevamento del seno Liposuzione Riduzione del seno

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

The Essex Plastic Surgery clinic is a highly reputable clinic that specialises in tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation surgery, breast reduction surgery, liposuction, Botox, and dermal fillers, but to mention just a few. The clinic, run by highly revered and experienced consultant plastic surgeon, Mr Adam Sierakowski, prides itself on being able to offer its patients potentially life-changing and confidence-restoring cosmetic surgery

Importantly, with every single cosmetic surgery performed at the Essex Plastic Surgery clinic, patients will be provided with all the aftercare advice they need, and are always welcomed and encouraged to contact Mr Sierakowski’s office for advice and information. Patients should be aware that they will receive regular follow-up consultations following their respective cosmetic surgery. 

Il centro

Essex Plastic Surgery

Springfield Hospital, Lawn Ln, Chelmsford CM1 7GU, Chelmsford, Chelmsford

Quadro medico del centro

Mr Adam Sierakowski

chirurgo plastico

Esperto in:

Aumento del seno Riduzione mammaria Sollevamento mammario o mastopessi Addominoplastica Liposuzione o lipoaspirazione Chirurgia della mano

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

Richiedi un appuntamento online, il centro ti contatterà.

Richiedi un appuntamento online
Mr Adam Sierakowski
Chirurgo Plastico
Vedi il profilo
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