London Gynaecology- The City of London

London Gynaecology- The City of London 2033101255 15 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2HE, United Kingdom
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(43) Recensioni verificate

Dr Narendra is a wonderful consultant with a lovely bedside manner that immediately put me at ease when I was quite nervous about my appointment. I have seen him several times now and can highly recommend him. The support staff are also lovely to deal with.

Centro specializzato in:

Ginecologia e Ostetricia Aborto spontaneo Clinica di screening del cancro Menopausa Ecografía Fibromi Gravidanza La salute delle donne Endometriosi Salute sessuale


Ginecologia e Ostetricia

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, also known as PMDD, is a condition that manifests before the menstrual period and is characterised by its symptoms of severe psychological and physical distress. It can occur anywhere between two weeks up to a few days before the period, and during the period it is much milder. It is related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual tension (PMT), but is notably quite extreme in comparison to those two. In this article, consultant gynaecologist Mr Narendra Pisal explains clearly what PMDD is and how to handle it.

Ginecologia e Ostetricia

Every menstrual cycle, just like every body, is different. They might differ in duration, in the length of time between periods, in how much blood is shed, what the accompanying symptoms are. Normally, the length of the cycle is between 21 to 42 days. The standard of an “irregular” period will be based on what is “normal” for each individual, as they are determined by age, weight, contraceptive methods, if there have been previous pregnancies, breastfeeding status, and proximity to menopause. This is because these factors affect hormone levels, which may disrupt “normal” periods. In this article, a consultant gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon goes over some of the reasons why a period may be irregular.


Creating Menopause-Friendly Workplace
Today Dr Claire Phipps, GP and Advanced Menopause ...
All the myths around Menopause that you need to know about
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Dr Claire Phipps
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Ms Shikha Kapur
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Ms Ora Jesner
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Dr Priyanka Patel
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