Octopus Clinic

Octopus Clinic 442030386547 13 - 15 Bouverie Street
5 5 1 11
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Centro specializzato in:

Fisioterapia Osteopatia Mal di schiena Medicina dello sport Artrosi Dolore muscoloscheletrico Dolore alle articolazioni Artrite al ginocchio Artrosi dell'anca

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

Octopus Clinic is a leading physiotherapy and osteopathy clinic in Blackfriars, London. The clinic provides gold-standard services in back pain, shoulder problems and work or stress-related pain or tension alongside foot and ankle problems, neck pain and headaches and post-operative rehabilitation.

The team at Octopus Clinic possess a significant amount of combined experience and the members pride themselves in clinical excellence. They subscribe to the approach that physiotherapy and osteopathy done properly can treat the cause of pain and get rid of it for good. Clients can be confident they're receiving the best care possible. 

Octopus treats many international athletes, including runners, cyclists and rugby, hockey and football players. The clinic has also worked with Team GB power-lifting, gymnastics, AFL (Australian Rules Football) and ski competitors, as well as those that competed in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 

Octopus Clinic is proud to say that many of the complex conditions they treat have been unsuccessfully treated elsewhere. The team is confident in its ability to help their clients with pain in the back, neck or knee, as well as in the shoulder, hip and groin, foot, ankle - or anywhere else in the musculoskeletal system. 

Il centro

Octopus Clinic

13 - 15 Bouverie Street, Central London, London

Quadro medico del centro

Anastasia Borisova



Esperto in:

Lesioni sono danni Dolore alla spalla Dolore cronico tensione muscolare Dolore muscoloscheletrico Osteopatia gravidanza
Anthony Adesanmi


Esperto in:

Fisioterapia dell'apparato Locomotore Fisioterapia manuale ortopedica Agopuntura Fisioterapia dello sport Dolore alla spalla Lesioni sono danni
Ian Repton


Esperto in:

Fisioterapia dello sport Dolore alla spalla tensione muscolare Posturologia Sciatica Massoterapia
Robyn Boothroyd



Esperto in:

Pilates in gravidanza Fisioterapia dell'apparato Locomotore Dry needling-tecnica medico-riabilitativ... Rilascio miofasciale Dolore alla spalla Sciatica

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Anastasia Borisova
Vedi il profilo
Anthony Adesanmi
Vedi il profilo
Ian Repton
Vedi il profilo
Robyn Boothroyd
Vedi il profilo
Simon Jones
Vedi il profilo
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