One Woman Health

One Woman Health 02030386556 Goring Hall Hospital, Bodiam Ave, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing
5 5 1 25
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Centro specializzato in:

La salute delle donne Menopausa

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

Empowering women through tailored support and specialised treatment, One Woman Health is a leading centre for excellence in menopause care and women’s health. The clinic was founded with a mission to empower women as they go through the menopause by prioritising their wellbeing, and providing evidence-based support, treatment and guidance as they experience changes associated with the menopause/midlife.

One Woman Health is led by revered menopause specialist Dr Nina Wilson, a fully accredited GP and highly esteemed menopause specialist who holds advanced certification from the British Menopause Society. Combining a wealth of clinical experience and specialist expertise, Dr Wilson provides highly personalised care for her patients, allowing them to smoothly transition through the complex changes the menopause can bring.

The comprehensive service offered by One Woman Health includes:

  • Menopause and perimenopause care: Expert support tailored to your unique needs during these key life stages
  • Hormone replacement therapy and body identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Recommended by NICE, we tailor your HRT to control symptoms effectively and enhance your wellbeing
  • Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) and surgical menopause support: Compassionate guidance to help you navigate these challenging experiences
  • Wellness promotion and health screening: Proactively take charge of your health with comprehensive wellness and health checks. ​We promote the maintenance of health through midlife and beyond, paying attention to the particular factors impacting women.
  • Support for low libido: Loss of sexual desire is a common issue. Understanding why is important, and testosterone therapy for women can help in cases where HRT alone is insufficient.
  • Understanding and empathy: Many women are facing a range of challenges at home, at work and in themselves during midlife. These impact one another and can become overwhelming. We specialise in helping women unravel the different factors impacting their wellbeing and put plans for support, treatment and action in place so that they may live life to the full. This comprehensive approach just isn’t available on the NHS where time constraints reduce a consultation to “one problem and one solution’.

In addition to personalised care and treatment, Dr Wilson and the One Woman Health clinic offer specialised corporate training sessions, which help to spread awareness of the challenges associated with the menopause and the best ways to support peers.

For patient convenience, specialist menopause consultations can be scheduled with the One Woman Health clinic as in-person appointments at Goring Hall Hospital, Worthing or via e-Consultation. Whatever your concerns about your menopause journey, the clinic’s expert guidance and support will help you to navigate your way to wellness through this life change.

Il centro

One Woman Health

Goring Hall Hospital, Bodiam Ave, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, Worthing, Worthing

Immagine del centro

Quadro medico del centro

Dr Nina Wilson

Medico di famiglia

Esperto in:

Menopausa Testosterone per le donne La terapia ormonale sostitutiva Check up (medicina preventiva) Terapia sostitutiva del testosterone

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

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Richiedi un appuntamento online
Dr Nina Wilson
Medico Di Famiglia
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