Rheumatology Harley Street

Rheumatology Harley Street 442045929045 25 Harley St
5 5 1 43
(43) Recensioni verificate

Centro specializzato in:

Psoriasi Fibromialgia Mal di schiena Osteoporosi Reumatologia



In one of our latest medical articles, Dr Elisa Astorri, a highly regarded consultant rheumatologist, discusses the relationship between long Covid and monoclonal antibodies in expert detail.


Osteoporosis is a condition that principally affects women, but did you realise it is not only women who can suffer from the condition? Leading consultant rheumatologist Dr Elisa Astorri answers your commonly asked questions about osteoporosis, including how it is diagnosed and how you can reduce your risk of developing the condition.


An introduction to Dr Elisa Astorri
Meet leading consultant rheumatologist Dr Elisa As...

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RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

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Dr Elisa Astorri
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