Suffolk Breast Practice

Suffolk Breast Practice 01206853293 Foxhall Road, IP4 5SW
5 5 1 39
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Centro specializzato in:

Chirurgia plastica Sollevamento del seno Riduzione del seno Cancro al seno Ginecomastia


Chirurgia generale

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and lift sagging breasts, giving them a more youthful appearance. Many women consider this option for various reasons, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, ageing, or weight fluctuations. If you're contemplating a breast lift, you likely have several questions. We speak to a leading plastic surgeon, who addresses common concerns and provide information to help you make an informed decision.

Chirurgia generale

Esteemed consultant oncoplastic surgeon Mr Hussein Tuffaha takes an in-depth look at oncoplastic breast reduction surgery in this article. He considers how it differs from traditional breast cancer surgery, who is suitable to have this operation, and its benefits - and more.


An introduction to Mr Hussein Tuffaha
In this introductory video, Mr Hussein Tuffaha, a ...
What are the different types of breast reconstruction?
Highly experienced Consultant oncoplastic and come...

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Mr Hussein Tuffaha
Chirurgo Generale
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