Video di The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

An introduction to Mr Aaron Ng Mostrare di più

Treating pterygium: An expert answers your questions - Online interview Mostrare di più

Pterygium, also known as Surfer's Eye, is growth on the eye's surface which can, if left untreated, affect vision. In our latest online interview, leading consultant ophthalmologist Mr Aaron Ng outlines the symptoms of pterygium and gives expert insight into how the condition is treated. If you are concerned about your eye health or vision, you can book a consultation with Mr Ng by visiting his Top Doctors profile: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

An introduction to Mr Syed Ali Shahzad Mostrare di più

Rezum steam treatment for enlarged prostate - Online interview Mostrare di più

All you need to know about prostate cancer symptoms - Online interview Mostrare di più

Need to know: minimally invasive glaucoma surgery basic information Mostrare di più

An introduction to Mr Angus J.M. Thomson Mostrare di più

An expert on living with fibroids - Online interview Mostrare di più

Endometriosis: Frequently-asked questions - Online interview Mostrare di più

Everything you need to know about heavy periods - Online interview Mostrare di più

Cubital tunnel syndrome: is it serious? Mostrare di più

What is Dupuytren’s contracture? Mostrare di più

How collagenase injections treat Dupuytren’s contracture Mostrare di più

What are collagenase injections? II Dupuytren's contracture Mostrare di più

An introduction to Mr Peter Craig Mostrare di più

In this introductory video, highly experienced consultant orthopaedic surgeoon, Mr Peter Craig, discusses why he decided to become a doctor, why he chose his speciality and what he finds rewarding about his job, as well as giving other insights into his life as a consultant orthopaedic suregon. 0:00 What is your name and position? 0:16 Why did you decide to become a doctor? 0:30 What made you choose your specialty? 1:02 What do you find most rewarding about your job? 1:27 What do your patients value most about you? And you of them? If you wish to book a consultation with Mr Craig, you an do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile here today: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

How is knee osteoarthritis diagnosed? - Online interview Mostrare di più

The newest forms of treatment for leukaemia Mostrare di più

What are the signs of lymphoma? Mostrare di più

What is multiple myeloma? Mostrare di più

Leukaemia: signs, symptoms & outlook Mostrare di più

An introduction to Dr Salim Shafeek Mostrare di più

Leukaemia: Frequently-asked questions - Online interview Mostrare di più

All about allergic rhinitis: Symptoms, triggers, and prevention tips Mostrare di più

An introduction to Mr Steven Lewis Mostrare di più

Ear infections: Your questions answered - Online interview Mostrare di più

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