Bass Orthodontics

Bass Orthodontics 02045762294 4 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9LQ
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(3) Recensioni verificate

My daughter is over the moon with the result of her orthodontic work, Dr Bass and his team are fantastic - nothing ever too much trouble, it's a family friendly, fun and welcoming practice.

Lo Studio Dentistico è specializzato in

Bretelle Ortodonzia in adulti Ortodonzia pediatrica Specialista Invisalign® Ortodonzia invisibile Terapia odontoiatrica

Perché è uno Studio Dentistico di primo livello

Bass Orthodontics is a leading Orthodontic clinic in Central London, led by American trained Dr Anton Bass. The clinic specialises in a wide range of orthodontic treatments, including orthodontics for all age groups, interventional orthodontics, orthopaedic, ceramic and invisible braces, dento-facial orthopaedics, lower jaw development, aligner therapy and aesthetic orthodontics. 

Bass Orthodontics was established on Harley Street, London by Dr Neville Bass over 50 years ago. As a family-run practice with two generations of expertise, we are one of the most established clinics in the world. Bass Orthodontics strives to deliver an unrivaled personal service and an elite treatment experience for every patient 

Our clinic is a deliberately low-volume practice which allows us to deliver high quality treatment and pay that extra attention to our patients’ well-being and satisfaction.The most up-to-date equipment and latest digital software is used to provide the finest treatment results. Remote consultations and frequent treatment monitoring using the patients mobile phone and advanced software allow clinic visits to be kept to a minimum without loss of control.


Clinica dentale

Bass Orthodontics

4 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9LQ, Central London, London

Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questo centro

Alliance Health Group
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Immagine del centro

I medici di clinica dentistica

Dr Anton Bass


Esperto in:

Staffe Ortodoncia adultos Ortodoncia infantil Ortodonzia invisibile Ortodonzia estetica Ortodonzia intercettiva

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Dr Anton Bass
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