Video del Mr Aasem M Chaudry

Laser therapy for prostate disease: Everything you need to know - Online interview


Laser therapy can help to remove excess tissues which block the urinary channel, improving the symptoms experienced by patients with an enlarged prostate. In our latest online interview, highly respected consultant urologist Mr Aasem Chaudry expertly explains how effective and safe laser therapy is in treating prostate disease and when this form of treatment may be involved in the treatment of prostate cancer. 00:00 What does laser therapy for prostate disease entail exactly? 01:30 What are the main associated side effects? 03:11 Overall, how effective is laser therapy for prostate disease? What are the general results? 04:31 Does laser therapy have any role in treating prostate cancer? To schedule a consultation with Mr Chaudry, visit his Top Doctors profile: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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