Video del Mr Abdallah Ellabban

Cataract surgery and congenital iris coloboma repair - Single-pass four-throw pupilloplasty


This is a case of congenital iris coloboma and large chorioretinal coloboma. The patient developed a +2 cataract and experienced drop in her vision(55yrs, single eye, iris + lens coloboma, about 2 clock hours of zonular dehiscence, large chorioretinal coloboma, Biometry +32, other eye has early phthisis). Combined cataract surgery & Iris coloboma repair (using Single-pass four-throw pupilloplasty using 10/0 prolene) was performed to avoid the prismatic effect of the lens edge. I prefer to do an initial gentle stretch of the iris tissue to assess the gap + to take good bites in the iris tissue to avoid cheese-wiring (in these cases there is a gap in the iris tissue, and any repair will require some amount of iris stretch). When possible, try to preserve the geometric centre of the pupil.

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