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Tutti i commenti sono relativi a pazienti verificati da Top Doctors.

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R. M. Paziente verificato

Yes very satisfying experience

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S. S. Paziente verificato

Dr Goldberg is an amazing surgeon. He listens. Whereas I felt other doctors just go through the motion, Dr Goldberg genuinely cares. He diagnosed issues that make absolute sense and no one else had picked up. I strongly recommend him and his amazing team who supported me.

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M. D. Paziente verificato

Dr Goldberg is a gifted surgeon. I saw experts from all over the world but chose Dr Goldberg to do my ankle replacement and I am so glad that I did because he is kind, caring, has a brilliant team, and most of all a brilliant surgeon. For the first time in 27 years I have no pain

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J. T. Paziente verificato

An outstanding surgeon and carer. I only wish I had seen Mr Goldberg first instead of all the other opinions which took me down a series of rabbit holes. Mr Goldberg was the only doctor that listened to me and gave me a positive plan to move forward.

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