Video della Miss Caris Grimes

When is surgery considered for diverticular disease? - Online interview


In this online interview, revered consultant general and colorectal surgeon, Miss Caris Grimes, provides us with a detailed account with regards to diverticular disease. 00:00 Introduction 00:08 When is surgery considered for diverticular disease? 02:16 What are the different types of surgeries available for treating diverticular disease? 04:42 How is the decision made regarding surgical options for diverticular disease? 05:38 What are the potential risks and benefits of surgery for diverticular disease, and what is the recovery process like after surgery? To book a consultation with Miss Grimes today, just visit her Top Doctors profile here: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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