Video del Professor Richard Cohen

Haemorrhoids: the signs you should look out for


Distinguished consultant colorectal surgeon Professor Richard Cohen provides a guide to haemorrhoids, explaining what signs to look for, when to see a doctor and what to expect during treatment. 00:00 What are the signs of haemorrhoids, and how do they feel different from other problems around the bottom? 07:31 Can things like diet or sitting habits make my haemorrhoids feel better? 08:32 When should I see a doctor about my haemorrhoids, and what will they do to check them? 09:46 How do doctors treat haemorrhoids, and how will they decide what's best for me? If you are interested in booking a consultation with Professor Cohen, you can do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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