Video del Mr Eriberto Farinella

How is an abdominal wall reconstruction performed? - Online interview


Abdominal wall reconstruction is a major abdominal surgery that can strengthen the abdomen. In our latest video interview, highly-esteemed general surgeon Mr Eriberto Farinella explains this procedure in detail, including how long it takes to recover, how it's performed and what the procedure is used to treat. 00:00 How is an abdominal wall reconstruction performed? 01:18 When might someone require an abdominal wall reconstruction? 01:36 What does this procedure treat exactly? 02:34 How long will recovery time take? 03:41 Will my diet need to change following an abdominal wall reconstruction? If you are interested in booking a consultation with Mr Farinella, you can do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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